Make Me Whole™ is a website and online community dedicated to our patients with breast cancer. Breast reconstruction for women who have survived breast cancer or are undergoing treatment for breast cancer is my absolute passion in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. My own mother died from metastatic breast cancer during my residency at the age of 62. We were very close and I spent a huge portion of my free time with her especially during the last years of her life. Make Me Whole™ is an idea and a website that was and is inspired by her life, passion and kindness.
Breast cancer is a terrible disease because it takes the two things away from women that make you feminine – your breasts and your hair. My partners and I work to provide an aesthetic form of breast reconstruction that utilizes microsurgical expertise to physically make women whole again. However, this physical transformation is only part of the equation and women must also undergo an emotional and spiritual transformation to be complete. Hence the name of the community Make Me Whole™. We are excited to feature not only our surgical services, but also our patients and their struggles, accomplishments and new lives as breast cancer survivors. On this website you will meet many of our amazing patients and join their lives renewed after cancer.