When you are undergoing a breast augmentation Newport Beach procedure, you must make a few decisions. For example, you must speak with your breast augmentation plastic surgeon and choose between having your implants placed over or under your muscles. Since everyone’s body is different, it is important to understand the method that best suits your needs.
Implants Over the Muscle
When implants are placed over your muscle, it is considered a subglandular procedure. During the treatment, your breast implant plastic surgeon will place the items on top of the pectoralis muscles and beneath the glandular tissue. This is most often a good option for a person with a high amount of natural breast tissue so that the implants are properly supported. This brings natural-looking results.
This type of treatment is less complicated than others and brings a shorter recovery time, which means that you will have less difficulty after surgery. Since your chest muscles are not touched, implants will not distort your figure while performing exercises or regular activities. However, there is a small risk of wrinkles developing in the implants.
Implants Under the Muscle
When implants are placed under your muscle, it is considered a submuscular procedure. If you have little natural breast tissue, this is a better option. In this procedure, the muscles cover and support the implants, which provides a natural appearance.
When placing an implant under the chest muscle, a breast augmentation plastic surgeon must consider the patient’s body. If your breasts have become saggy from age or breastfeeding, this may not be the correct implant placement. The implants may lay unnaturally high on your chest.
A submuscular procedure is a bit more complicated than a subglandular procedure. Also, recovery will be a lot more uncomfortable. There is risk of animation deformity as well.
Consult a Qualified Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgeon
When you are considering a breast augmentation in Newport Beach, you will need to determine if your implants should be placed under or over your chest muscles. Luckily, an experienced breast implant plastic surgeon like Dr. Aaron Kosins will be able to recommend the best course of action. For more information, contact our office today.