Posted: Apr 25, 2017 7:21 PM PDT
Updated: Apr 26, 2017 3:53 AM PDT
April 25, 2017 – /PressAdvantage/ – Newport Beach, California, April 19, 2017 – Across the United States one of the most common procedures performed by any cosmetic surgeon is breast augmentation, and Newport Beach is certainly no exception. Many women come to a cosmetic surgery center with questions not only about the shape and size of breast implants but also what will look the most natural.
Saline and silicone implants both come in different shapes. Women looking for more volume towards the top of their breasts and a more noticeable projection typically choose round implants. Meanwhile women who are very thin but want to significantly increase tend to choose teardrop shaped implants whose downward slopes mimic the natural shape of the breasts.
When going for a natural look, it’s important to remember that bigger does not necessarily mean better when it comes to implants. Dr. Kosins, a Newport Beach breast augmentation specialist, suggests that the best augmentation procedure enhances a woman’s breasts while also complimenting the rest of her body. Choosing an implant size should involve consideration of the effect on one’s silhouette, as well as the projection and profile of the breasts following the procedure.
Another decision to be made before getting a breast augmentation is the placement of the implants. Subglandular procedures place the implants behind the breast tissue and over the muscle. These are best for women who have a lot of breast tissue and want fuller, rounder results. Submuscular procedures place the implants behind the chest muscle and deliver natural-looking results fro women with thin skin around the breast.
Dr. Kosin, one of the best plastic surgeons in Newport Beach, realizes that since there are pros and cons for each type of breast augmentation the decision for the best and most natural results ultimately comes down to each individual patient’s body type and her goals. Call his office at (949)721-0494 to set up a consultation to set up a treatment plan that is tailored to a specific need.
About Dr. . Aaron Kosins
Dr. Kosins is a renowned plastic surgeon dedicated to surgical rejuvenation as well as skin health and nutrition. He studied as an undergraduate at the University of California before earning his M.D. and his MBA at U.C. Irvine where he also later completed its highly regarded Integrated Plastic Surgery program. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and employs cutting edge techniques to get the results his patients desire.
Contact Aaron Kosins MD:
Aaron Kosins
(949) 721-0494
1441 Avocado Ave #308 Newport Beach, CA 92660
ReleaseID: 60017106