Three Steps to Summer Skin
On the Surface: Keep your skin healthy this summer with tips from Newport pros.
Dr. Aaron Kosins, co-owner of the new Zo Skin Centre at Fashion Island, offers three things you need to know for summer skin care.
By Kirsti Correa
Photo by Dondee Quincena/Hair by Samantha Fryling/Makeup by Debra Johnson
Co-owned by Dr. Zein Obagi and Dr. Aaron Kosins, Zo Skin Centre opened in late May at Fashion Island. The new space offers evaluations and treatments aimed at restoration, rejuvenation, and maintenance—just in time to get the perfect summer glow.
“Patients can be at the mall and learn about their skin and find out what skin type they are, and then create the best-customized programs for them,” Aaron explains. To help those in need, he suggests these tips and products benefit any skin type. (800-960-9672;
1. “The most important thing is to protect your skin—that involves high-quality sunblock and understanding that you need to apply it every two hours while you’re in the sun. In combination with that, you want to use a lot of powerful and effective antioxidants to keep the DNA in your skin from being damaged. … We have Ossential daily power defense ($150) and C-Bright ($90); both of those are action-packed punches of antioxidants.”
2. “People think that oil is good, but after the sun, oil is the second-worst thing on your skin. … After washing, exfoliate to get rid of the dead skin cells to unclog your pores and then use a product that is an astringent to control oil and inflammation. … Our scrub for this is the Offects exfoliating polish ($67) and for controlling oil, we have Cebatrol oil control pads ($62).”
3. “Patients shouldn’t abuse moisturizer; it is how women weaken and destroy skin. … Moisturizer puts your skin to sleep because if you hydrate it from the outside, it thinks that it doesn’t need to hydrate itself. … Skin stimulation is best done with retinol-based products. … The one I really recommend for the average person is Ossential advanced radical night repair ($170).”
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