Alexis Bellino, one of the stars of the popular show The Real Housewives of Orange County, said she felt so comfortable about undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure to fix the bump on her nose that she agreed to allow cameras in the operating room. While TV critics were quick to assume the star did it purely for vanity, the reality star insisted she had another purpose in mind. That other part had to do with clearing the blockage that has disrupted her breathing all these years. Improving one’s appearance through cosmetic procedures is fairly common within the Hollywood circuit. However, undergoing a rhinoplasty surgery may have more than cosmetic implications. For some patients, getting a nose job could actually lead to a better quality of life.
As in Bellino’s case, some people may need to undergo rhinoplasty to correct certain medical conditions. Breathing difficulties, which may arise out of injuries sustained from playing contact sports or else may be attributed to a deviated septum, are a case in point. In the latter scenario, the septum (the structure consisting of cartilage that separates the left nostrils from the right nostrils) may have become crooked or misaligned, and would accordingly require corrective surgery.
People who snore excessively can also benefit from consulting a trustworthy rhinoplasty expert. After all, a blocked air passage may be responsible for such a condition, particularly when the right nostril leans over to the left-hand side or vice versa. A proper nose job can, thus, allow you to breathe better, sleep more soundly, and face each day with renewed confidence and energy.
In any case, one needs to observe certain restrictions in preparation for rhinoplasty. For example, patients are advised to avoid smoking and lay off on aspirin as well as some anti-inflammatory drugs. A reputable plastic surgeon like Dr. Aaron Kosins can further enlighten patients on the necessary pre-operative care procedures.