After a Newport Beach boob job, you’ll be sore and bruised. You may be a bit disoriented from the sedation as well. It can take a few days to be able to perform normal activities. If you’re planning a trip during your recovery, it is essential to comprehend the dangers. Hitting the road too early can cause complications. Here’s some advice from a breast implant plastic surgeon.
Guidelines After Surgery
After a boob job Newport Beach procedure, you will be advised to avoid lifting things that are heavier than 10 pounds. This will make you unable to carry a heavy suitcase. Also, you will need to protect your skin after surgery. If your implant site becomes infected, you will face painful consequences. It is wise to rest until your recovery is complete.
When Flying is Feasible
Every person is different and has individual risk factors. Usually, a patient is advised to avoid travel for at least two weeks after breast augmentation. If you have a trip scheduled, you should consult with your breast implant plastic surgeon.
When Car Trips are Feasible
After you’ve had breast augmentation surgery, a long road trip may be difficult. Again, most patients are advised against travel for two weeks following the procedure. Riding in a car is restrictive. Also, you may experience bumpy roads and some jerks that may cause discomfort. You must be aware that the drain in your body can’t be pinched, knotted, or ripped out.
Tips for Safe Flying After Breast Augmentation
Besides waiting a few weeks to travel, there are certain things that you can do to lower your risks of developing complications from flying after a breast augmentation procedure.
- Book a trip that has plenty of time between connecting flights. This allows you time to find each terminal without rushing.
- Take advantage of curbside baggage valet.
- Drink plenty of fluids during the flight.
- When allowed, get out of your seat and walk around a bit so that you do not develop blood clots.
If you have had breast augmentation surgery and have a trip planned, you should seek advice from your doctor. Dr. Aaron Kosins provides patients with solid advice so that recovery is completed successfully. For more formation, contact his office.